There are many ways of improving communities, and plenty of incentive to do so. Improving our communities can lead to greater economic opportunity as well as better social harmony and cohesion.
All it takes is a little investment and effort from us.
Identifying Community Assets
To truly empower a company, you need to first figure out what makes it work in the first place. For example, are there any multipurpose centers in the area that can be commandeered for a new project? Is there a lot of available space for development? Is there good fertile land for planting new trees and other plants that can breathe new life into the area? What is the workforce like there, and what industries do they work in? Identifying all of these assets will give you a better idea of how you can empower this community in particular. That’s important because generalized “empowerment” can only go so far. To really be effective, help needs to be particularized to the specific community you’re seeking to help.
Invest in Inner Cities
The past 70 years have seen a steady stream of White Flight out of inner cities, to the immense detriment of the latter. With the self-exile of those families in the 1950s came a noticeable drop in funding or attention, both of which are essential for community empowerment. Major League Baseball’s Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities program has been a sterling success in the years since its introduction. This is just one of many examples of how, when money and attention is given back to neglected inner city areas, they can blossom once more.
The Importance of Community Anchors
Just as a community has certain physical or locational assets, it has people who are assets to the community. These community anchors are among the first people you’ll want to trust when giving investment to the area. In addition, you should meet with these people to hear what they recommend in terms of ways to improve the community. They know it best and are among the most respected people there, so they’re a good place to start.
By following these steps, you can give communities in need the empowerment they deserve today.